防疫三步曲 耳麥請自備

進入資中電腦教室,請同學遵行保護自己愛護他人之三項措施:「1. 進教室前先洗手」、「2. 入內全程戴口罩」、「3. 進出教室請打卡」。 為降低傳染風險,建議同學在電腦教室進行遠距教學時,使用自備的耳機麥克風(沒有耳麥的同學,可將手機登入並用手機進行語音互動。 詳全文

Three precautions for protecting students include: 1) washing hands; 2) wearing mask; and 3) clocking in and out. In order to lower the risk of infection, students are suggested to prepare a headset for distance learning. For those who do not have a headset, a smartphone can be a substitute.

登入遠距課程 請你這樣做

遠距教學課程的視訊軟體,若是用 Teams,請以微軟 O365帳號登入:校務行政帳號或學號@eduad.ntnu.edu.tw。若用Google meet,這軟體為Google公司提供本校教職員生及校友免費使用之教育版雲端應用服務(G Suite for Education)之一。請以G Suite帳號登入:帳號或學號@gapps.ntnu.edu.tw。 詳全文

The way for signing in to distance learning depends on video conferencing software you use. For Teams, please login by account of Microsoft Office 365: School username or student ID @eduad.ntnu.edu.tw. For Google meet, please login by account of G Suite: Username or student ID @gapps.ntnu.edu.tw.

學術單位網站 更版強強滾

已採用開放原始碼公版網站版型上線,有教育、文、科技、音樂、理學院,及資訊工程學系、光電工程研究所暨學士學位學程、國際臺灣學研究中心、家庭研究與發展中心等單位。另 有35系所提出申請。開源碼公版網站後台操作簡易,了解系所業務者參加研習,再參閱操作手冊便可上手。 詳全文

Open source website templates provided by the ITC have been adopted by many departments. There are several colleges and departments having their new websites online and about 35 departments applying for the templates. The content management system can be operated easily with a manual.

更新無線AP 宿舍網路通暢 

完成校本部及公館校區宿舍寢室型無線基地台建置,同學登錄一次ntnu_dorm無線網路之註冊程序,日後於同校區宿舍上網,都不需再次輸入帳密。 詳全文

The wireless APs have been built for the dormitories on the two campuses. Students are only required to login ntnu_dorm once. Afterward they do not need to enter username and password again.

課程期中停修 上網填單

期中停修線上填單系統正式上線,同學上網完成停修填單後,系統將自動產生申請文件,可下載儲存或直接列印並完成後續簽核及繳件作業。系統也提供申請進度及審核情形的查詢功能,讓申請作業更加流暢及便利。 詳全文

Course Withdrawal Application System is launched. After students complete the application online, the application will be produced automatically by the system. Students are able to download, save, or print, and then submit it.

場地預約借用 社團APP上線

音樂系預約練習琴房, 行動 APP上線囉! 詳全文

A mobile system for facilities reservation and management is developed. Students are able to check status, apply for a site, and report problems online by any time. Teachers are also able to approve requests online. The efficiency of the service is enhanced.

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