把主機變小了 上機更增效能

資訊中心405自由上機教室引進15台體積較小且低耗電的精簡型電腦(5瓦/小時)取代個人電腦(100瓦/小時)使用,使用者透過虛擬桌面使用電腦,登出後系統即還原,不保留使用者資料,更不用擔心病毒的問題。 詳全文

We now introduce you to ITC’s state-of-the-art power-efficient Raspberry Pi computers at the 405 computer room. It showcases the virtual desktop environment that offers better protection of personal information and less worry of malware infection.

把校園變大了 漫遊享國際

在師大校園完成eduroam認證,無線漫遊不僅延伸至臺灣大學系統,甚至國內、外所有參與eduroam的教育單位,毋須再次輸入帳密,自動登入使用享無線網路服務。 詳全文

The “eduroam” wireless service is now available to all, which extend the current Wi-Fi authentication not only to the NTU System campus, but also to the participating institutes all around the world. You may enjoy the hassle-free Wi-Fi service without repeating the tedious login process.

健康檢查福音 補助申請上線


We’re glad to announce the launch of our health inspection subsidy system. The faculty and staff members now can file their applications online and through the NTNU APP. It also allows the users to check the status of the application and the past history.

Google 雲端資源師生輕鬆用

台師大專屬的 Google 雲端應用 (G Suite for NTNU) 服務提供免費無容量限制的雲端空間,有檔案要備份嗎? 有照片要分享嗎? 申請雲端空間可解決困擾,還享有台師大專屬 Gmail 信箱、Google Classroom、Google Calendar。詳全文

Do you know that the G Suite for NTNU offers unlimited Google Drive space? Additional service of the G Suite includes Gmail with the ntnu domain, Google Classroom, and Google Calendar.

手機「Q Call」 如校內電話

本中心與廣達電腦合作,推出網路電話行動版 -「Q Call」,安裝行動版App可享校內電話查詢、撥打校內分機或撥打外線等服務。 詳全文

ITC collaborates with the Quata Tech to launch of Q Call APP for the campus VoIP. The Q Call APP enables the users to search the campus phone book and to make phone calls conveniently.

學生宿舍App 107學年啟用


The newly developed student-dorm mobile APP is now available. Starting from the 2018 academic year, students can now handle their accommodation need through the APP anytime and anywhere.