行動版網路信箱     怎一個酷字了得? 


New webmail service with more user customizable options and mobile version interface is available to use. The old webmail service will be discontinued on March 1st, 2018.

成績系統介接Moodle     新增直接匯入功能

教師成績登分系統,新增直接從 Moodle數位學習平台匯入學生成績的功能,自本學期起提供教師選用。教師在Moodle平台上確認學生總成績後,即可透過教師輸入成績系統的操作畫面,將班級成績直接整批匯入<詳全文>。

Starting this semester, teacher can login student grade registering website and import student grade from Moodle.

寒假調整服務時間     週六上機請到本部

寒假期間自1月15日至2月25日夜間暫停開放。本部校區自由上機開放時間,調整為週一至週五8:00至17:00,週六13:00至17:00。公館校區為週一至週五8:00至17:00。春節年假自2月14日至2月20日暫停開放 。

Computer labs opening hours during winter break (Jan 15 ~ Feb 25):
Main Campus: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Gongguan Campus: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Computer labs will be temporarily closed during Chinese Lunar year between February 14 and February 20.

行動化服務App     學生服務再Up


Student edition of NTNU mobile services is upgraded. Users can query tuition and fees, payment processing status and download rewards and punishment records.

怕中毒 - 請看過來     降風險 - 說給您聽

校園軟體Microsoft Office 提供2010、2013、2016版本下載。因微軟已不再維護Office 2003及2007版軟體,使用者應儘早更新版本,以降低資訊安全的高風險。另因電腦教室為公共使用性質,為降低使用者中毒風險,本中心開放使用者自行操作還原機制,將過往使用的個人存檔,自磁區中全部清除。還原操作步驟顯示在螢幕的開機畫面左上角<詳全文>。

Microsoft is no longer maintaining office 2003 and office 2007. Users should upgrade to the new version as soon as possible. On the other hand, users now can reset computer’s status in the computer labs before use to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

網路頻寬倍增     資料存取立達

近日校園網路對內及對外皆進行了頻寬的擴充及優化工程。校本部校內骨幹路由交換頻寬從既有1G提升至10G,解決內部頻寬壅塞的問題。另國際連線服務租用頻寬亦從1G擴增為2G,有效提升校園網路存取品質 <詳全文>。

We made several improvements in campus network availability by upgrading server farm network bandwidth up to 10 Gb, and both TANet and Internet bandwidth up to 2 Gb.

虛擬主機再擴充     節能減碳續推動


ITC "virtual machine service management charging guideline" amendment has been announced:
1.University administrative management system can apply for free.
2.The rental charge for the other services is reduced.