變種勒索病毒     肆虐全球電腦

近來出現新變種勒索病毒WannaCry(WanaCrypt0r 2.0),透過windows漏洞攻擊,使用者一連上網路即可能遭受攻擊與感染,導致個人電腦或伺服主機檔案被加密遭受勒索。資訊中心提供自我檢測步驟及緊急防護措施<詳全文>。

Lately, there is a ransomware cryptoworm named WannaCry(WanaCrypt0r 2.0)which cyberattacks through loophole in Microsoft Window Operating System. Users may get attacked once connected online and their personal computers or servers encrypted with demand for ransom to get back those data. ITC provides self-check procedures and steps on how to protect yourself during the outbreak.

資訊應用研習     開始密集開班

106年度「教職員資訊應用研習」課程於五月份起陸續開設PowerPoint、illustrator、Google雲端應用、Word、Excel、威力導演等軟體應用,歡迎教職員踴躍參加 <詳全文>。

Information Technology Applictions Courses for Employee in 2017 will include courses of PowerPoint, illustrator, Google Cloud Application, Word, Excel, Power Director and etc. All school’s employee are welcome to enroll.

活化走廊空間    設立休閒e站

資訊中心利用校本部公共空間放置電腦,提供一個全年無休的上網環境。讓同學們享有一個實用又悠閒的資訊走廊,不必受限於電腦教室開放時間,且可以一邊休閒用餐一邊上網。上網電腦採用極為節能的樹莓派3代(Raspberry Pi 3),並結合Windows虛擬桌面,電腦運作時僅耗費約5瓦的電力。

ITC plans to set up 24-hour online workstations in various public space on campus. Students get to relax and enjoy this facility which is no longer limited by the opening hours of the computer classrooms. Furthermore, students are allowed to have meal while enjoying the facility too. ITC is using Raspberry Pi 3 to integrate with Window virtual desktops to achieve energy saving. It only takes 5 watt when operating this computer.

開發行動版系統     方便手機查詢


ITC Developed a mobile application to enable staff members to check and verify their sign-in/sign-out records on mobile devices. In addition, the application to look up extracurricular events is enhanced with an English interface.

臺師大雲服務       暑期開班教學


NTNU provides cloud storage space for staffs and students. This cloud service is suitable for mobile cloud computing resource management and files sharing over internet. The usage of this facility will be taught in a simple way during a summer course.