行動版資訊系統  建構無障礙環境

為滿足各類學生需求、建立更友善的校務行政使用環境與機制, 104年度資訊中心配合特殊教育委員會政策,建置方便特教生 使用的行動版請假系統、學雜費減免系統、宿舍修繕系統。 此三項系統業已開發、測試完畢,將於近日內上線啟用。<詳全文>

To accommodate the student needs, to provide a friendly school administration environment, and to respond to special education committee’s policy, we developed mobile applications for student leave system, tuition waiver system, and dormitories repair system. All applications will soon be released.

支援多元教學需求 建置無線投影環境


To meet the need for innovative teaching methods, we have nstalled Google Chromecast devices in two computer labs in a pilot program to promote wireless projection from mobile devices. These include the Computer Lab 403 in the College of Education Building and the Computer Lab 802 in the Gongguan campus.

詐騙郵件滿天飛  切勿回應個資

近來屢有不肖人士假冒學校名義散發系統通知郵件,主旨類似:「您的Webmail帳戶證書過期…」或「驗證您的信息… 」等,意圖誘騙收件者提供帳號密碼。提醒師生,資訊中心更不會以email要求用戶提供帳號及密碼等資料,收到類似郵件,請勿直接回應帳密或點選郵件上的連結。 <詳全文>

Recently we have discovered multiple incidents of email phishing attacks, attempting to acquire victims' account information by requesting its reader to perform account verification. Please do not respond to such emails, as ITC would never request account verification through email.

Google Apps 應用服務 12月開放體驗試用

Google Apps for NTNU 服務係由 Google 公司提供本校師生及校友免費使用之教育版雲端應用服務,師生可於12月起至明年2月間優先開通使用先行體驗,,並協助提供問題回報,只要擁有本校電子郵件帳號者皆可啟用此項服務,啟用方法請參考 啟用 Google Apps for NTNU 服務操作說明

Google Apps for NTNU, a cloud service by Google, is now available for trial use between December 2015 and February 2016. This service can be accessed using NTNU email accounts. Please refer to “enable Google Apps for NTNU service instructions” for service activation or contact ITC for further assistance if necessary.

校內單一IP 享10GB流量

為因應網路流量需求增加,已修訂校園網路流量管理施行細則,讓每個實體 IP 每天可存取(包含下、上傳)總流量增加為10GB。<詳全文>

Due to the increase in network traffic, the daily network usage quota is now raised to 10GB per day for each fixed IP address.