三校聯盟共享資源     電腦教室一家親

自103年11月1日起推行臺大、臺科大、臺師大三校電腦教室資源共用措施,嘉惠教職員生憑證跨校進入電腦教室,享有共享軟硬體使用上的便利性 。<詳全文>

Starting on November 1, 2014, students and teachers in National Taiwan University (NTU), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) can use previously mentioned university’s computer labs with their student ID card or faculty ID card.

StarBox 師大儲存雲     迎新年增容量

雲端儲存服務提供使用者專屬的雲端儲存空間,有利於行動式管理及網路分享檔案,如透過各種電腦設備 ( 一般電腦或平板電腦、手機等行動載具 ) 將文件、投影片、相片、影音或程式檔,進行上傳、下載、編修、開放分享等功能,達到跨時空的機動性管理與分享資訊。迎 2015 新年開放個人空間為教職員 50G ,學生 25G 。 <詳全文>

University cloud storage service offer personal cloud storage space, which can be used to store, manage and share files with different people or among different computers and mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. In combination with variety of computer equipments such as computers, tablets, smart phones, users can utilize (upload, download, editing, sharing) files stored in the cloud (such as slides, photos, video and audio or program files) to complete desired tasks. With the coming year 2015, the service is avaliable to university faculties and students, university faculty members have 50GB of storage space and students have 25GB of storage space.

丟了學生證怎麼辦     請速線上掛補

「學生證掛失暨補發系統」置於應用系統「資訊服務」項下,同學萬一遺失了學生證,請上網登入「校務行政入口網」點選該系統,即可同時進行掛失與申請補發兩項作業。 <詳全文>

We have created a system to aid students who lost their student ID card. With this system, students can report card lost and apply for replacement card on-line. The system can be accessed in the IT service section of the NTNU Information Portal. For detailed information please contact the office of academic affairs. 

申請歷年成績證明     校外亦能搞定

自103年12月1日正式上線的教務文件線上申請系統,結合了金流服務,開放中文歷年成績單、英文歷年成績單(成績與等第兩種)、學士班歷年名次證明書、97學年度以前英文學位證明書、學士班當學期名次證明書、中英文(並列)學位證明書等6項申請服務,無須返校並透過線上付款即可搞定 。 <詳全文>

Starting December 1, 2014, students can now apply for transcript documents, Bachelor class ranking certificate, Bachelor degree certificate (available in traditional Chinese, and English) on-line. For detailed information please contact office of academic affairs.

來來來撥打免費電話     去去去手機App

請下載校園網路電話「MKY Plus」App,享免費撥打校園電話,Q&A熱呼呼上線,方便使用者線上查詢排解使用上的疑難雜症。 <詳全文>

To make free calls to campus phone with your smart phone, please download “MKY Plus” mobile APP. For additional information please refer to the Q&A documentation (/download/MKY+QA.pdf).

防範國際駭客有對策     採行安全措施


To safe guard our university email user’s personal information, we have encrypt user personal information in our database. To make the email delivery process more secure, please register your account with the university.

校園無線5GHz頻道     網路品質穩定

校本部及公館校區大部分區域皆已提供5GHz頻道無線網路服務,若手持行動裝置或是筆電若有支援5GHz無線上網,請優先選擇連線SSID為 NTNU-5G之基地台,享有更穩定的無線網路服務。 <詳全文>

The University Main campus and Gon-Guan Campus have implemented 5Ghz wireless network. To enjoy better wireless network experience, please connect to NTNU-5G wireless network.


帳號啟用認證時出問題     網路信箱救您

當您遇到校務行政入口網帳號啟用、電郵帳號申請、信箱收發及網路認證等出現問題,不用再煩惱求救無門,只需連線至網路信箱,點選「問題排除」選項,按步進行信箱檢測,便於自我排除問題。 <詳全文>

If you encounter login problems when you are trying to use the university’s system, please go to university webmail at webmail.ntnu.edu.tw, click on the troubleshooting tab, and follow the instruction to resolve your problem.