悠遊校園行動網   走動使用免認證


In May, NTNU ITC published a NTNU Guest WIFI service. University visitors will be able to use university’s Wi-Fi service to access web sites and emails. University students and staffs will no longer needs to reauthenticate into Wi-Fi network while travel between buildings with in the same campus.

應屆畢業生看過來   微軟使用權帶著走

應屆畢業生擁有Windows 8.1及Office 2013使用權,在校外透過VPN雲端認證啟用以半年為期。台灣微軟公司亦提供應屆畢業生購買授權光碟,輸入序號安裝則免上網啟用。畢業校友永久使用畢業年度授權之微軟大專軟體,詳見畢業生軟體專區

Students graduate in 2014 are eligible to use NTNU’s Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Office 2013 after their graduation. Students can either log into NTNU VPN every 6 months to reactivate their Microsoft software, or apply to purchase a copy of the software and take the discs with them when leaving the university.

專業錄音室視訊品質佳    教學傳播使用兩相宜


NTNU ITC has a professional grade recording studio. Co-work with our center of public affair, we were able to produce professional grade news broadcasts with the equipments inside the studio. With the same equipments, we are making multimedia rich contents for our classes. If you wish to watch our multimedia rich contents, please visit the NTNU MOOC page.

擴增電腦與雲端共享     活化教室教學服務

因應大班教學的需求,業將本部校區教育學院四樓401教室容納量,由63台電腦擴增至70台,並逐步規畫其他電腦教室。另提供雲端共用資料夾,方便教師放置教學文件及檔案,在電腦教室授課時,開放學生下載及分享。 <詳全文>

In response to increase in computing resource demand during classes, we expand the number of computers in 401 classroom from 63 to 70. We also introduced a cloud storage service for everyone in NTNU to store and share their files.

2014年度 APP競賽     再揭創意開發成果

第二屆「NTNU Best APP行動應用程式設計比賽」決選成果斐然,教育應用及非教應用兩類各有四組參賽隊伍,作品展現創意十足,部分隊組所使用的開發技術雖不亞於業界,唯提昇市場價值及商品化方面,尚有成長空間。得獎名單及競賽相關訊息詳見網站

The 2nd NTNU Best App Mobile Application Development contest has finished. In both educational and none educational applications development contestants demonstrated programming skills which are matched to industry professionals, yet the commercial values of the applications can be further improved in the future. For contest results and reward information, please visit the Official App Contest website.

炎炎夏日何處去    電腦研習消暑氣

「暑期教職員資訊應用研習」將於7月底起陸續開設文書處理軟體Office2013 Powerpoint、Word、Publisher、Excel等課程,開課訊息除公文通之外,亦會公告在資訊中心網站,開放線上報名,歡迎教職員踴躍參加。詳情請瀏覽資訊素養研習開課訊息

Summer Faculty Application studies will be starting in July. This time we will be teaching Office 2013 to the attendees. Please visit the registration page to reserve your seat.

微軟XP終止支援     更新版本為上策

因應微軟於2014年4月8日終止Windows XP作業系統之支援,行政院國家資通安全會報技術服務中心製作了一份防護建議措施,提供繼續使用Windows XP之使用者參考。<詳全文>

In response to Microsoft stopping its support on Windows XP on 2014/04/08. Taiwan’s Information & Communication Security Technology Center (ICSST) created a documents to help those who are still using Windows XP.

印表機未設密碼     駭客攻擊找上門


Ministry of Education has notified us a department’s network printer is attacked by hackers. After investigation, we found out the network printer isn’t password protected. Hackers can make setting changes to the printers using internet browsers. It usually require time consuming processes to recover from such attack. To avoid future attacks, please setup or change default login passwords.