
儲存雲馬上再進化   新推出「交作業模式」

新年新氣象,臺師大儲存雲服務再度推出進階功能:「交作業模式」,提供老師分享資料夾供學生繳交作業,學生交完作業還可以留訊息給老師;除此之外,在協同作業方式也進一步強化,提供Windows平台上的使用者,可以將別人提供的分享區資料同步於本機資料夾。 <詳全文>
Students will be able to store their class assignments with their own custom messages; With the evolved collaborating abilities, Microsoft Windows users will be able to sync the shared data from the storage cloud to their computers.

統計軟體全面更新   開放軟體下載安裝及上網申請借用

SPSS is updated to version 22, and SAS is updated to version 9.3. The university staff and graduate students can obtain these software packages by downloading them directly from university software website, submit internet applications to borrow from university IT center, or use them in the university IT center computer labs.

學生版請假系統推陳出新   操作便利性向前躍進

With this update of student absence management system, additional logistic is implemented to enhance the application process, and students are now able to cancel the request online.

新版虛擬私有網路(VPN)   服務啟動!

舊版VPN服務已經停止更新,對於Windows 8和MAC OS X 10.8.5以上作業系統的支援度也不足,新版的VPN服務即將全面接手,目前已開放使用,操作手冊將因應不同作業系統及瀏覽器版本陸續上線。 <詳全文>
Due to compatibility issues between the previous VPN service and Windows 8 / Mac OS X 10.8.5, we have purchased new VPN service which is now available to the university users.


Webmail 上信件太多怎麼備份?   幾個步驟讓你輕鬆搞定

利用Webmail信件匣下載功能,就可以備存整個信件匣中的所有郵件。一個按鈕讓你輕輕鬆鬆完成信件打包、下載及備份保存。 <詳全文>
With the ability to download entire webmail folder, users can download and save all their emails to their computer.

最新的駭客攻擊手法     「NTP校時服務放大」攻擊

近來駭客透過NTP校時服務進行DDoS攻擊,造成網路頻寬或伺服器因無法承載大量的封包而異常,身為主機管理者,本期電子報提供您一個有效的因應方式。 <詳全文>
The attacker forged target server IP addresses and send request to internet time servers to request internet time sync. By amplifying the network traffic associated with internet time sync, leaving no bandwidth for other services, thus created a distributed denial of service (DDos) attack. In this issue, we will provide an effective method to counter such attack.

你的密碼夠安全嗎?   密碼強度大檢驗

您知道自己的密碼安全嗎?想要設定一組很難破解的密碼嗎?趕快上網測試一下,究竟什麼樣的密碼最不容易被駭客破解! <詳全文>
Would you like to know how well does your password stand against hackers? There is an online test to perform password complexity check, you will find out what password combination is harder to be a hacker to crack!

Moodle開課    免等、免排隊!

Every semester, teachers would like to provide students with class materials, and discussion board in a timely manner. Starting this year, teachers will be able to setup classes, assign teaching assistance, publish classes to the students online, without waiting queue.

資訊素養研習     2月起陸續開辦

Class 102, 2nd semester university staff class will start in February in the university main campus. There will be 10 classes, with topics include adobe acrobat, PhotoImpact, adobe flash, adobe fireworks, adobe indesign, etc. For detail information please refer to our website.

App競賽報名從速     3月即將截止

2nd Mobile Application Development contest registration will ends in March 21st, any interested contestant please register as soon as possible. Contestants can register as individual or as a team with maximum of 3 members. The contest will be divided into educational and none educational related group. For detail information, please refer to our website.