
隨著科技的蓬勃發展,許多資訊可透過網站公開與隨時更新。因此辦公業務經統計分析以圖表方式呈現成為一種趨勢,於是,利用工具軟體製作電子報表的技能,業已成為職場上的一種競爭技能。當前市面上常用的報表工具如MS Office套裝軟體,雖然靈活性高但開發工作較耗時,且較不適合製作成Web報表。因此,本期新知專欄特邀請本中心行政支援組程式設計員林怡君小姐介紹 JasperReports報表工具軟體,該軟體透過友善便利的操作介面,即可產生各式動態報表格式,並具跨平台及高相容性,實為報表設計的最佳選擇。<詳全文>
With the modern internet technologies, we are able to provide real-time information to satisfy different users. Today, we are pleased to have Mrs. I-Chun Lin from NTNU ITC to introduce "Jasper Reports", It's a free reporting tool which provides user friendly interface, various dynamic report formats, and high compatibility across different platforms.

本中心所建置的雲端軟體服務,是以本校虛擬電腦教室平台,執行雲端運算之SaaS(Software as a Service)服務,使用者端的電腦內不再需要安裝所有軟體,只需向伺服器要求該項軟體資源即可使用,且不會限制使用時間。不但避免主機的負荷,亦提供師生線上取得軟體光碟的管道。<詳全文>
NTNU ITC has built a virtual computer lab which utilizes the concept of Software as a Service within a cloud computing environment. With the virtual computer lab platform, users no longer need to install software on their computers in order to use the program they needed.
99學年度第2學期「教職員資訊應用研習」,自四月份起至六月於每週二陸續開班,課程豐富,例如Visio 2010入門、Office Access入門、Office PowerPoint初階及進階、Office Excel初階及進階等九堂課程,歡迎本校教職員踴躍報名。<詳全文>
Please register the 2nd semester of "Staff Information Application Study ". The class will take place on every Tuesday between April to June. The curriculum includes Google document, introductory classes on Microsoft Visio 2010, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Adobe fireworks and advance classes on Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel.
同學們快到美國Autodesk Education Community網站註冊自己在本校的帳號資訊,即可取得Autodesk學生版軟體,計有30種軟體資源,適用於建築工程、製造業、傳媒暨娛樂界、地理資訊與空間設計使用等等。<詳全文>
Please visit the U.S. Autodesk Education Community website to create a user account with National Taiwan Normal University's account information to gain Autodesk student software access (3 year licenses). The student software consist of 30 kinds of software resources suitable for students majoring in construction, manufacturing, media & entertainment industry, geographic information and spatial design.
The main campus wireless network upgrade has completed. Computer users in the main campus will be able to enjoy the stable and secure wireless network service.
Ministry of Education is conducting a self-assessment of information security events on the web between March 15 and May 15. Participants who complete the online assessment will be able to participate in a sweepstake.
近來又有不肖人士發送英文的系統更新通知郵件, 主旨類似 "Updated for administrative unit" (主旨會隨時更新),意圖騙取電郵帳號之密碼,請勿上當。本中心不會利用電郵通知請使用者提供帳號密碼。若不慎將帳號密碼流出, 請速至本中心網路信箱網站變更密碼。<詳全文>
Recently, we have noticed phishing email messages circulating with subjects like "updated for administrative unit" asking users to send back their user account information. NTNU ITC will never ask users for their account password by email. If your password is already compromised, please visit our webmail page directly to change your password.
ITC awards Chien-Chia Huang, a sophomore student from the department of history as the ITC’s best employee for March 2011. Miss. Huang has demonstrated her professional attitude, helping to improve the service quality, and setting a great example for others to follow.