海角七號 角七號影片中,阿嘉不送郵件並說:「現在的人都嘛用電話通知事情…,」錯!
NTNU's secure and reliable email service
The telephone service was a preferred communication method compare to postal service in the movie "Cape No.7" back in 1940s. Today, email is a more preferred way to communicate with others compare to the traditional telephone service. NTNU ID@ntnu.edu.tw email service is easy to use, secure and reliable.


Digital media recording service
At the end of the movie "In our times", photos of the past are showed to remind people of their past memories. ITC now has photo recorders to record user's photo onto a DVD disc for later view.

NTNU's special PowerPoint presentation templates

NTNU ITC now offered 11 different presentation templates for download and use.
降價 縮成本、加強服務,就從列印做起! 彩色列印大降價一張10元降為6元。

NTNU mobile printing service

To enhance NTNU ITC service for the students. We have decided to reduce the color printing cost from 10NT to 6NT per sheet. Every students on the campus are now allow to send their documents from any computer labs in any campus and print them out from any RFID enabled printers in any campus with their new student ID card.
校區電腦教室英文也通啦!中英文電腦環境隨你選!外籍師生開心用電腦,傳送鄉愁…<more> 雙語

Bilingual computing environment in NTNU

NTNU now provide English computing environment for international students on campus. Students can now use Microsoft Window and Microsoft Office to complete their tasks.