
NTNU ITC has developed a toolkit for automatic content analysis of research publications. This tool provides facilities to detect hot topics, track research issues, and summarize the background of a research field. It is for users who want to analyze a lot of documents (semi- or un-structured free-text data), especially those publication records from ISI's Web of Knowledge (WoK), full-text technical patent documents (in HTML) from USPTO, or any texts worth of analysis (Web pages, interview records, etc), for the purpose of strategic reading, planning, or research.


獻內容探勘工具,11月底隆重發表!「文獻內容探勘工具」茲訂於11月 23日下午2至4時舉辦校內研習,該工具有利於研究工作的文獻探討,歡迎教師、研究人員、研究生等報名參加,名額有限,請儘早報名以免向隅,報名請至本中心網站...<more>
Workshop on Content Analysis Toolkit for Academic Research! NTNU ITC has developed a toolkit for automatic content analysis of research publications. It is for users who want to analyze a lot of documents, for the purpose of strategic reading, planning, or research. The workshop would be held on Nov. 23, 14:00-16:00.

體光碟借用服務,循環利用,再借不難!校園通用軟體提供下載服務多年,今為擴增多元化的服務管道,以提昇借用軟體的便利性,部分授權軟體提供光碟借用服務,每人同時可借用3套軟體,光碟借用期三週,並須到期歸還,以利軟體光碟循環利用,此項服務歡迎本校教職員生享用 ...<more>
In order to facilitate the use of campus software among university computer users, NTNU ITC provides online booking and online downloading of campus software packages. We hope to conserve physical software discs by limiting users to borrow maximum of 3 software packages each time for the maximum duration of 3 weeks. The users can borrow more software packages once the borrowed software packages are returned. We hope, in this way, the circulation of software CDs can be achieved.



毒有一套,AVG是您最新的選擇!經評估測試,本中心最近新購進的AVG防毒軟體,可防範新的安全威脅,具即時最佳化保護、雲端技術、白名單技術,能檢測、移除惡意軟體 ,且安裝容易且快速。因每台個人電腦僅能安裝一種防毒軟體,請欲體驗的使用者務必擇一安裝防毒軟體...<more>
After several months’ testing and assessments, NTNU ITC has purchased AVG Internet Security Business Edition as the university's anti-virus solution. With its various new technologies, we hope to provide users a better computing experience. If you want to try out AVG anti-virus program, be sure to remove other anti-virus solution from your computer.

11月15日「虛擬教室」研習等您來,教學或會議均能遠距使用!「虛擬教室」提供影音廣播、電腦桌面分享,以及教學過程錄影等功能,除可供遠距同步教學外,亦可做為遠距視訊會議使用,11月15日上午9時至12時,於教育大樓四樓401教室舉辦研習,講解操作及應用方式,歡迎教師或指派教學助理,以及行政人員踴躍報名參加 ...<more>
On Nov 15th, 9am to 12pm NTNU ITC will host a class to show how we can use "Virtual Classroom" to host an internet seminar, or a long distance learning class room in the computer lab located in Education Building room 401.



Moodle數位學習平台強強滾, 陸續加開操作課程!本學期由教學發展中心開辦有關Moodle數位學習平台課程,開學初業於10月4日及15日開辦兩場初階操作研習,針對不熟悉平台使用的教師或教學助理講解基本操作及服務方式,茲訂於11月4日晚再增開一場,並預計於11月22日(一)中午於公館校區開班,有關開班資訊或報名事宜,請逕洽教學發展中心或瀏覽該中心網站。
On October 4th and 15th, we hosted a Moodle training class for faculties to help them better manage their classes on the Moodle platform. Due to the increase use of Moodle, we will be hosting the class again on November 4th. The class attendees will be guided through various settings in the Moodle class administration pages to help them better use the digital learning platform. If you wish to attend, please register at http://ctld.ntnu.edu.tw.

園智慧財產權週,全校行動開跑!11月22日至11月26日訂為本校智慧財產權週,特舉辦一系列活動,及有獎問答,獎品豐富,如有照相機、1TB 2.5吋硬碟、電子辭典等多項實用的大獎,歡迎大家共襄盛舉...<more>
November 22th to 26th is the university's intellectual property rights week, we will host a series of events and contests. The prizes include cameras, 1TB 2.5 inch hard disks, electronic dictionaries, etc. Everyone is welcome to join the event with us.



ITC awards Wei Chuan Huang as the ITC’s best employee of the month. Mr. Huang is recognized for his ability to help computer users and complete various administrative tasks assigned by his manager.