上期電子報曾報導有關Windows XP及Office軟體將開放網路下載的消息,日後提供軟體的服務將會逐漸以製作「光碟映像檔」的方式取代燒錄光碟片,這是軟體儲存及傳送的新趨勢。「光碟映像檔(副檔名為ISO)」可透過網路下載及傳送,即減少了光碟片的燒錄,不但環保又節能減碳,更重要的是讓使用者方便下載及使用硬碟存取。因此,本期電子報新知專欄邀請教學服務組吳研發師茂介紹由網路上下載了ISO光碟映像檔後如何使用,以及如何用免費的ISO Recorder工具軟體製作ISO光碟映像檔...<more>
On the last issue of the ITC news letter, ITC announced that Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Office will be available in disc image files (ISO) for download. Using disc image files to replace optical discs is not only environmentally friendly, but also provides a flexible and efficient way to access and archive digital data. In this issue, Mr. Go, Shigeru from NTNU ITC recommends using ISO Recorder, a free software utility, to create usable ISO disc image files.


屆畢業生返校來,微軟軟體跟著走!本校學生及應屆畢業生均享有本校最新續約之微軟CA大專校園授權軟體的合法使用權,包含MS Windows 7中文升級版、MS Office 2010 Pro Plus中文版及MS Expression Studio3.0等,7月份後歡迎98學年度畢業生(含大學部、碩士班、博士班、碩士在職專班及教師在職進修碩士學位班等)回系上領取微軟授權軟體光碟片...<more>
According to the Microsoft CA contract with NTNU, students and alumnus who graduated in June 2010 are eligible for Microsoft Windows 7 upgrade edition, Micosoft Office 2010 Pro Plus, Microsoft Expression Studio 3.0 . Please contact your department office after July 2010 to obtain your Microsoft Software discs.

園e卡變電子錢包,小額消費趴趴走!校園e卡推出小額消費應用服務,將於圖書館校區、公館校區及林口校區等地擴充建置「校園資訊站服務平台」,提供校園e卡自動加值、圖書逾期罰款繳費,未來將陸續整合各項繳(退)費服務,讓資訊服務融入生活,使得小額消費更為便利 ...<more>
University personals now can pay book rental overdue penalty with their RFID ID cards. In the coming days, additional payable services will be added to the campus information service platform, transforming university’s RFID ID cards into electronic wallets and facilitating students’ financial transaction processes.



E山不容二虎,小心Adobe載一送一!因個人電腦若安裝兩套防毒軟體,會造成電腦運作上的不穩定,當安裝Adobe Flash Player的同時,請小心“被”裝Mcafee Security Scan Plus.防毒軟體。使用者若已安裝了學校所提供的防毒軟體,或是其他防毒軟體,安裝Adobe Flash Player的時候,切記要將 Mcafee Security Scan Plus的安裝選項取消 ...<more>
Please be careful when you install adobe flash player, we recently discovered that Mcafee Security Scan Plus will be bundled as one of the optional components during the installation process. Having two anti-virus programs is highly likely to destabilize your computer’s operation. University ITC recommends only one anti-virus program should be installed on your PC.

With the help of the university’s information technology center, we were able to host a live broadcast of the 2010 graduation ceremony in the e-classrooms located across the campus using video streaming technology. This service allowed us to offer more accommodation for audiences of the graduation ceremony.



The hot summer vocation is a good time to sharpen your knowledge with further studies. University ITC is going to offer a series of classes focused on daily computer applications, information security, and university administration systems. Class curriculums will be posted on ITC website and sent to all administration departments.

ITC awards Di Wei, Huang, as this month’s best employee. Di Wei was able to diagnose and repair several administration workstations and help improve the service quality.
