As we connect more of our devices and daily activities to the Internet, network security has been becoming a critical issue among the modern computer users. Mr. Wen-Jie Ke, a staff member of Information Technology Center, recommends using Firefox and noscript as a means to provide a safer environment for the Internet users.


一帳號行遍校園,印表系統同步服務!師生同仁以帳號與密碼登入校務行政資訊入口網,即登入資訊中心的印表系統,同步啟動行動列印服務 ,讓本校「單一帳號、行遍校園」服務更臻完善!...<more>
All university's computer users who had ever activated their single sign on account will be able to access the university's network printing service and print files anywhere in the campus.

We have upgraded the popular Moodle learning platform. Faculties now can download documents of their students in batches. This semester, we have already hosted more than 800 courses with Moodle, receiving more than 300 teachers' applications to put their classes on the Moodle learning platform.



職學習樂,課程報名熱!本學期電腦資訊應用研習報名非常踴躍,五月份Excel實用班、Access、以及PowerPoint和 PhotoImpact等課程均已全數額滿,聘請業界名師李燕秋老師講授,上課的操作畫面影音及素材等均已放置於資訊中心網站( 資訊素養研習>開課資訊>開課訊息),歡迎下載...<more>
The registration for this month's computer classes was closed. The lecture materials are available for download for those who weren't able to attend the classes.

The Personal Data Protection law was revised and approved by the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan at the end of last month. Be careful of the personal data that you are using. The revised law makes a bit modifications to the original one, striking a better balance between the freedom of speech and personal privacy.



The Ministry of Education is simulating several cyber attacks using social engineering techniques targeting at all the university staffs in the campus. The attacks include in a form of email messages being sent out in May and September, respectively. Anyone who opens the attack messages will be recorded.

Linkou Campus implemented a motorcycle and bicycle management system. University personals can make use of the system to apply parking permissions for their vehicles.



ITC awards Su, Peng Yun, as the ITC Best Employee of the Month. Miss. Su is recognized for her professionalism and eager to help others.