
本中心電子報自3月份起開闢一「新知專欄」,由資訊中心同仁分享資訊熱門議題。有鑑於邇來各校熱衷於世界大學網路排名,西班牙網路計量研究中心(Centre for Scientific Information and Documentation, CINDOC- CSIC)網路實驗室(Laboratorio de Internet)每半年公布一次名次,本校成績受到師生關注,因此本期新知專欄邀請資訊中心應用研發組曾元顯研究員,介紹「世界大學網路排名」...<more>
We are opening a new section on the ITC news letter, "Knowledge Column," while this new section will be written by different ITC associates to share or discuss different IT related topics. In the recent interest on the university’s ability to compete globally, we are looking at the Webometrics World Universities’ Ranking on Web conducted twice a year by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain. We have invited Dr.Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Research Fellow of the Digital Technology Research group of ITC to give us a better understanding of how “Webometrics World Universities’ Ranking on Web” is ranked and where we are compared to other universities in Taiwan.

Dr. Berlin Chen was appointed as the new Chief Director of Information Technology Center of National
Taiwan Normal University, effective 22 February 2010. Dr. Chen received the Ph.D. degree in computer science and information engineering from National Taiwan University in 2001. He joined National Taiwan Normal University in 2002, where he is now a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering. His primary research interests center around speech recognition, speech retrieval and machine learning. He is the author/coauthor of over 100 refereed articles in journals and conference proceedings.

A computerized seating system has been developed to automate the computer lab administration. University computer users now can be admitted into the computer labs with their RFID enabled university ID card. Once authenticated, users can select a computer to use.

級非常好色,無關桃色花邊!非常好色軟體為一種輕鬆DIY的美工軟體,內含豐富與精美範例及插圖,讓使用者快速完成海報、名片等設計,還有 Microsoft Expression Studio 3、Dr.eye譯典通等軟體均已更新,歡迎本校教職員生下載使用...<more>
ITC has upgraded and purchased software packages for the university computer users, including Graphic Design Software, Dr. Eye 9, Microsoft Expression Studio and Presto Print Magic 7. All these software packages are compatible with Microsoft Windows 7.

In the effort to safegard intellectual properties, Taiwan Information Office, YouTube, and Google Taiwan worked together to remove numerous pirate copies of the movie “Monga” that have been posted on YouTube.

The Moodle e-learning platform is becoming more and more popular among the professors and students. We now have 294 professors with 801 classes using the Moodle e-learning platform, and anticipate hosting more than 1000 classes by the end of 2010.

ITC awards Chong, Pit-Kee, a 2nd year student from the geography department, as the ITC Best Employee of the Month. Ms. Chong is recognized for her kind effort to help others solve computer problems and often proposes constructive advice.