數98年耕耘,展望99年綻放! 98年12月29日舉辦「校園e卡應用服務啟用暨e化成果展」活動,在本校郭校長義雄、張副校長國恩、陳副校長瓊花與資訊中心吳正己主任攜手揭開活動序幕,現場設立各項應用服務新系統介紹,提供來賓及教職員生共同體驗...<more>
After the hard work in 2009, we are please to present the NTNU Campus E-card Service achievement exhibition joined by university principle (Dr. Yih-Shun Gou), vice principles (Dr. Kuo-En Chang , Dr. Jo Chiung-Hua Chen) and ITC director (Dr. Cheng-Chih Wu) on December 29th 2009. The exhibition demonstrated various university E-card services to all attendees.

NTNU finished distributing RFID enabled ID cards to all faculty staffs and students. All university ID card holders now can use all RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) enabled services around the campus.

This semester, there are 801 Moodle classes opened compared to the previous semester’s 400 Moodle classes. NTNU Moodle platform is gaining its popularity among the university teaching faculties.

版校務行政資訊入口網,單一帳號行遍校園!新版「校務行政資訊入口網」乃依循「Lightweight Directory Access Protocol;LDAP」標準技術規格自行研發,推行「單一帳號,行遍校園」服務,讓本校人員僅要記憶單一組帳?密碼登入本校之「校務行政入口網平台」,即獲取個人相關資訊與各專屬資訊應用系統,免除使用者需記取多重系統帳號密碼的不便...<more>
Introducing the new administration portal featuring [Single Sign On] for the entire NTNU population. The new portal is developed based on LDAP standard, which allow users to sign into the portal once, and access all the systems scatter on various locations around the campus.

"網"國外免排隊等候,”網”校內1G暢行無阻!原本校校園網路出國途徑須由教育部電算中心連接至TANET學術網路,因學術網路出國頻寬經常滿載,導致本校師生連至國外網站速度很慢,為改善這種情況乃新增租用ISP公司專屬頻寬(500M bps),大幅提昇國外連網速度,亦將校內各校區網路頻寬提昇至1G bps...<more>
In the past, NTNU shared its internet connection (Ministry of Education’s TANET academic network) with all other schools in the country, resulting in a slow connection speed to websites abroad. To improve the internet browsing experience within the university, NTNU ITC leased additional internet bandwidth (500M bps) from ISP to improve the access to foreign websites, and at the same time upgraded the network links between campuses to 1G bps.

NTNU has finished its VOIP service implementation project back in July 2009. There are 3800 IP phones and 40 IP video phones servicing the entire university. Departments and offices can reduce their communication expense by further utilize the VOIP service.

NTNU ITC’s monthly news letter has reached its first anniversary. Everyone is welcome to browse the 2009 archive on ITC website.

ITC awards Chi-Chih, Cheng as the ITC Best Employee of the Month. Chi-Chih, Cheng is recognized for his effort to help teachers and students solve computer problems.